Тексты песен:

Stop Pushing me around

You don't know what you're doing to me
Start thinking for a while
I said I don't need this pressure from you
don't say what's on your mind

cause I can read it from your eyes
cause I can read it from your eyes
cause I can read it
I can read it
I can read it from your eyes

Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around …don`t do it


you can keep your good advices
I know that I'm the one who's right
I love the way I live my life now
So, don't say what's on your mind

cause I can read it from your eyes
cause I can read it from your eyes
I can read it
I can read it
I can read it from your eyes

Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around
Stop pushing me around



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